Saturday, March 20, 2010

The more you know the less you need to say

Jim Rohn

How many of us get this?  The flip side is” I don’t care how much you know.  It’s how much you care.”

Comments?  Responses?  Read Brian Tracy’s key to influencing others and and let me know:

The Key to Influencing Others
By: Brian Tracy
Do Nice Things For Others
One of the best ways to influence someone is to do something nice for him. I know many successful salespeople who make a habit of taking their prospects out to breakfast or lunch. During the breakfast or lunch, they do not talk about their products or services unless the client brings it up. They merely make small talk, ask questions and listen. They work on building trust, and they work on establishing a friendly relationship. At the end of the breakfast or lunch, they tell the prospect that they will be getting in touch with him sometime in the future with the possibility of talking to him about helping him in some way.
See Them As Friends and Partners
The best salespeople and businesspeople in America today are those who look upon their customers and prospective customers as friends and partners. They always look for ways to help their partners improve their lives in ways that are not directly related to the products or services they sell. They sow seeds, and they reap a harvest. They trigger a desire in people to reciprocate. When the time comes for those salespeople to approach their prospects with the possibility of buying their products or services, the prospects are wide open to the questions and inputs of the salespeople. The prospects have a deep-down desire to reciprocate.
Send Thank You Notes
One of the best ways to use this principle in your interactions is to continually look for ways to say and do positive things for people. Look for ways to do kind acts and favors for your friends and prospects. Send thank-you notes. Send birthday cards. Send clippings from newspapers about subjects that you feel may be of interest to them. Always keep your promises, and follow up on your commitments. Always do what you say you will do. Do everything possible to put in, knowing confidently that you will ultimately be able to get out far more. You will reap if you sow.
Be A Go-Giver Rather Than A Go-Getter
Someone has observed that no one ever built a statue to a person to acknowledge what he or she got out of life. Statues are built only to people to acknowledge what they gave. The most powerful, influential and successful people you will ever meet always look for ways to do nice things for others. When you meet someone under almost any circumstance, one of the best questions you can ask is this: "Is there anything that I can do for you?" Always look for ways to put in rather than to take out. The successful man or woman of today is a "go-giver" as well as a go-getter.
Be Open and Empathetic
The more that people feel that you are open and empathetic and sensitive to their needs and concerns, the more open they will be to your influencing them positively in some way. And the more you can influence others with the power and impact of your personality, the more you will accomplish, and the faster you will accomplish it. The more rapidly you will move toward the great success that you desire and deserve.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, look for ways to do nice things for other people, especially your family, friends, and customers. The more nice things you do for others, the better you feel about yourself.
Second, take time to really listen to people, especially your staff and coworkers. The more and better you listen to others, the greater is your influence over them.

In light of the Historic Vote scheduled for Sunday, this showed up in the inbox:

The Almighty has his own purposes

Abraham Lincoln


  1. I don't think our nation's politicians (note: I did not use the word 'leaders' intentionally) care about America's long term plan at all. It's either their personal political career (primary) or their party's agenda.

    To the point of your first quote, I don't exactly care about how smart their economists are, since they've convinced me they don't give a rat's arse about me.

    Frankly, until we get a 3rd party in Congress who can 1) influence every decision and 2) make the Constitution their core of their loyalties, I don't think our country has much hope.

    There's several executive Departments that I want to see dismantled, and perhaps restarted. I think we're past the point of reform, now. (I'll probably get a few 'Amens' until I list which groups...may not get much agreement on the specifics. :-)

    Oh, well...when I'm King....

  2. Interesting Points from 'the Red'.

    Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite
    jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath bore me on his back a
    thousand times, and now how abhorr'd in my imagination it is!
    My gorge rises at it.

    Today will be an interesting day. MAybe take the day off and watch the Octoscreens of talking heads bloviate.

  3. I like how the post starts with "doing nice things for others" and ends with a video all about taking AWAY nice things for Seniors.

    To say that 63% of seniors are against the health care reform is to suggest 63% of seniors are suffering from severe dementia.

    Most seniors are ON government health care, and yet the insurance companies are still raising rates on them? Me thinks something needs to be done - ahhh... how about a bill on Health Care Reform??? What a concept.

    "AARP reported that adults ages 50 to 64 were the fastest-growing group of uninsured."

    Consider: Retiring early, lose your employer policy, get denied an individual policy based on pre-existing conditions...
    Options: be 55 and uninsured or go back to work.

    The Health Care Reform law may not be perfect, but it's at least a start in the right direction.

    One of the first Google links that came up on this issue:


You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.

Harlan Ellison