Thursday, December 30, 2010

Big Dreams

All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.
Brian Tracy 

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.

James Allen

The new year brings resolutions, goals, change.  You can watch the above and search Ziglar setting goals on You Tube for more.  Is it me, or he is a preacher for sales people?

In a recent Ziglar post, he looks at goal setting:

Studies tell us that only 3% of people in the USA set goals, and they are among the wealthiest people in the nation! Worldwide the percentage is probably lower. Why so low? There are several reasons, but the one that concerns me the most is lack of know-how. When we ask people why they don’t set goals they often say, “I don’t know how.”

Isn’t that remarkable? We send children to school for 12 years in America before they graduate from high school. Many of them go on to trade schools, colleges and universities. We teach them many important disciplines including history, economics, literature, science, and so forth, but we miss one critically important skill: goal setting. We award them their degrees, pat them on their backs, and send them into the world full of wisdom, but ill-prepared, almost always, to design and pursue the lives they really want.

Don’t know how?  Here is a summary of the steps:

Step 1. Dream!

Step 2. Wait 24 to 48 hours

Step 3: Ask five questions of every dream on the Dream List – and cull the list to become the Goal List

Step 4:  Ask seven questions for the remaining goals.

Will reaching this goal . . .
1. make me happier?
2. make me healthier?
3. make me more prosperous?
4. win me more friends?
5. give me peace of mind?
6. make me more secure?
7. improve my relationships with others?

Step 5:  Identify goals as Short-range, Intermediate, or Long-range

Step 6: Final step - write them down!

Read the rest here:

I would add that if you use a notebook and write your goals every day, along with the steps to achieve them, it gets easier to focus.  For more see Brian Tracy Goals or from his Blog:

A goal properly set is halfway reached

Zig Ziglar

Happy New Year!


  1. I am a few posts behind. I'll try the setting goals study posted for the new year. Careful fish, ice fishing season started.

  2. With GCC in evidence and thousands of fish washing up on the shore, I'm getting nervous.


You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.

Harlan Ellison